New & Exciting

The latest - and most exciting - additions to this website include:


Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



Who's Online

We have 226 guests and no members online

The Lightship Portal

- a Tribe Live Experience -


lightship web

 Are you ready to enter a Lightship?


The Tribe is gathering… in a magnificent African retreat!


We will meet, heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul in a container of Unity. Together, we will raise the frequency of our consciousness, both personally and collectively, for all of humanity. 


We will be preparing our consciousness, building towards, and co-creating a Lightship Circle – an intense, 7th density, high-frequency simulation experience of a Lightship.


 From this high-frequency spiritual portal, we will make waves that ripple through consciousness and shift timelines. We will step through that portal to a wondrous new reality. 


When we return home, we will be deeply transformed, more connected as ONE Tribe… and truly ready to co-create the most magnificent and joyful outcome for ourselves, for this world, and for All!



Greetings friends!


We are super excited about a LIVE event that is taking place in South Africa between the 8th and the 16th of November 2024! 


Take a look at the proposed itinerary below and see for yourself why we're buzzing. It's a really potent mix of powerful inner work and joyful connection in the sacred forests of South Africa. 


Experience deep intimacy with Self, with Nature, and friendship with like-hearted Tribe members. Enjoy satsang with Arn “Zingdad” Allingham and brilliant guest teachers, as well as, live channelling and communion with Adamu, Master 8, the Great Goddess and others… all culminating in a sacred, 7th Density creation ritual in which we will co-create a Lightship Circle.


This is the “Lightship Creation” experience to which Adamu has referred at recent Tribe gatherings. 


We would LOVE to share this incredibly special experience with you. 


The Lightship Creation experience will take place in the beautiful Garden Route of South Africa. The magnificent venue is high up in the Tsitsikamma mountains, right in the heart of the indigenous forest, with stunning views of forested gorges. This tranquil and secluded hideaway is perfectly suited for the deep spiritual inner work we will be doing together.


If you’re feeling called to participate in this powerful experience and take a leap into a new reality, please submit your application. We have a limited number of spots available. 


*Please note that ONEtribe members are given priority.


What is a Lightship?

What is a lightship? What does it mean to enter one? How is THIS retreat experience related to THAT? What can I expect to happen? What if I don’t believe in “lightships” or aliens? Here are the answers:



ONEtribe Member Investment 

The all-inclusive cost (you ONLY need to pay for your air ticket to get here, the rest is covered) is $1,500 per person. 


Non-Tribe Investment

The all-inclusive cost (you ONLY need to pay for your air ticket to get here, the rest is covered) is $1,800 per person


What’s Covered?

  • We’ll collect you at George airport, and provide all your transport needs. 
  • You’ll be staying in truly delightful and luxurious accommodations (see pictures below), right in the sacred Gouna forests (also pictured). 
  • You will be served three delicious vegetarian meals a day. 
  • There will be a plethora of guided, hosted experiences and a few offsite adventures included!  

All of the above is included in your payment.


What’s NOT Covered?

  • Your air ticket to get to George Airport in South Africa. 
  • Personal travel insurance (entirely at your discretion). 
  • OPTIONAL Early Arrival / Late Departure. See info below


What You Need to Do If You Are Interested:

If you are feeling the thrill, then you are hearing the call!


Here’s a quick list (with more in-depth instructions for each point down below) for exactly what to do to make this happen for you!


  1. Heart first! Right now, check with your heart. Is this for you?
  2. Check air ticket cost and availability. Check your schedule. Can you make it?
  3. Apply. Complete the (very simple) application process below.
  4. Buy! After you have received confirmation of approval of your application, purchase your event ticket and your air ticket.
  5. Do you have a valid Passport? 

Please note, the flight to South Africa IS a long one from most parts of the world but the energy is unlike anywhere else in the world!


We are here to support you on this grand adventure! We will be sending you a document with a checklist to help you to get all your travel preparations in order, and some guidance on how to make the most comfortable trip.


At a minimum you WILL need a valid passport! Most countries do not need a Visa to enter South Africa. You will not need any funny vaccinations or other medical documents. You will be as safe as travelling anywhere in the world reasonably is. 


Are you excited yet?



Click on a thumbnail below to open the image full-size. 

 Your accommodation is in one of three beautifully appointed, luxurious cottages:

sm accom (3) sm accom (10) sm accom (11) sm accom (12)





 ... but it is the pristine, ancient forests, that will truly be your "home" while you are here...





Here is the the (early proposed, subject to change) itinerary:


Arrival Day (8 November)

A very relaxed day to allow you to arrive. We’ll be fetching you from the airport in shuttle busses. You’ll get settled in your accommodations. In the evening: a social meet and greet, drinks and dinner


Day 1 - Root and Connect (9 November)

Dawning spell; Yoga on the lawn; Breakfast; Opening and Orientation; Ancient Forest Grounding and Rooting Meditation; Meet the Great Goddess (a channelled encounter); Lunch; Personal Time; Group Circle: Integrity and Boundaries; Breathwork; Dinner; Conscious Dance - Tribal Roots; Evening spell


All of this… and it’s just the first day! Now you are HERE, rooted and connected.


Day 2 - The Magic Spark

Dawning Spell; Qi Gong on lawn; Breakfast; Tantra of Life (Satsang Session) ; Lunch; Conscious Connections; What is Truth (a channelled encounter with Master 8), Speaking your naked truth (a group circle exercise); Personal Time; Group Circle (open sharing); Dinner; Song Circle, Movement and Improvised Jam; Evening Spell


Now your energy body is opening up, you are beginning to share in the group energy. Magic is beginning to happen


Day 3 - The Sacred Fire

Dawning spell; Yoga on the lawn; Breakfast; Emotional Release; Group Circle: Identity and Creation (Satsung); Creative Exercise; Lunch; Tea and Dream Circle (Open Conversation); Shadow work! Your Demons (Satsung and Mask Making); Personal Time; Dinner; Music, Dance + Fire; Evening Spell


Deeper opening. Deeper arrival. More of YOU is HERE. Transformation begins…


Day 4 - The Magic of the Heart

Dawning spell; Qi Gong on lawn; Breakfast; Conscious Connections (Gathering in Love); 

The Divine Mother and Father (Satsung and experience); Group Circle (Heart Conversations); Lunch; Meeting Ourselves in Love (Satsung and experience); Tea + Dream Circle (Courting the Unconscious); Personal Time; Dinner; Adamu Under the Stars (channelled encounter); Evening Spell


NOW, you belong! NOW you are part of a Tribe… a circle. You are contained. You are LOVE and you are loved. WE are co-creating together… from the heart! 


Day 5 - The Truth Bell 

Dawning spell; Yoga on the lawn; Breakfast; Conscious Connections; Connecting your Divine Guidance (Featuring Master 8); Lunch; Tea + Dream Circle: Dreams of Paradise

Satsang with Adamu (channelled encounter); Group Circle: Open Satsang; Dinner; Blue Sky Meditation (using your 3rd eye); Evening Spell


And NOW… you begin to see!


Day 6 - Wholeness, Oneness and the Sacred Self

4am Lucid Dream Incubation + Stars Meditation (optional)

Dawning Spell; Meet Your Divine Self (ecstatic bliss meditation lead by Joy-Divine); Breakfast + Dream Share; Silent Moving Meditation (also for the rest of the day); Lunch; Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing); Blue Lotus Ceremony; Gong Sound Bathing; Dinner; 


ONENESS arrives. You are at ONE with yourself, the Circle and the UNIverse.
NOW you are ready to make a leap! 

What awaits you?...


Day 7 - Enter the Lightship (15 November)

Expanded Dawning Spell; Yoga on the lawn; Breakfast; Lightship briefing (with Adamu); Tea + Dream Circle: Divine Dreams; Biodanza; Lunch; Lightship Circle Creation and Portal Bathing; Dinner; Cacao Ceremony + A Celebration of Joy! (Ecstatic Dance!); Closing Circle


… and now you have been in the portal… 

You are changed… your path is changed.

What will you bring back to this world?


Departure Day (16 November)

Breathing and BEing... in togetherness (a final shared meditation); Breakfast; Shuttles depart for George Airport


Detailed Instructions for Applying:

Feeling the thrill? here's what to do:


1. Check your schedule for your availability.

Though the event runs from 8 to 16 November, please remember you will need an extra day on either side (at least) for travel. So... are you available from the 7th to the 17th of November 2024?


You might also want to arrive a day early/ stay an extra day. If so, see that option below and take it into account. 


2. Check air ticket cost and availability.


Contact your favourite travel agent (or online air ticket seller). Get a quote for a return flight from your nearest airport to arrive at George Airport (IATA code: GRJ) here in South Africa on the 8th of November


On 8 November, we will have two dedicated shuttle busses leaving the airport at 11am and 6:30PM. Please book your flight to arrive in time for one of these two busses.

The return shuttle will arrive at George Airport at 2PM on the 16th of November. Please book your return flight to depart from George airport any time after 3PM on the 16th of November.

Cost your tickets. Don't purchase them quite yet. First...


3. Submit your application.


Places are VERY limited (maximum 12 people). There is a selection process. 

Please supply us with a paragraph (less than 100 words) on each of the below questions, keep it short and sweet:

  • Why do you want to come? What do you hope to gain/experience?
  • What will you contribute? What unique inner gifts do you bring to this gathering?
  • Complete this sentence: “I am a creator being because…”
  • Think about a recent moment in your life where you were feeling triggered! How did you deal with it and what did you learn about yourself? 


Send your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we reasonably can.


*Non-ONEtribe members: In addition to the above instructions, we will also need to have a short 30 minute interview with you. You will be sent a scheduling link to arrange a Zoom meet-up upon receipt of your completed questionnaire. 


4. Passport and Travel Documents

  • Please check that you have a valid passport for travel.
  • South Africa requires a visa if you are travelling from certain countries. Please check to see what the requirements for your country are, and apply for a visa if applicable:


Please note, if you are travelling from the USA you do not need to apply for a visa. 


5. Purchase your tickets


After you have received approval of your application, purchase your event ticket (we’ll send you a payment link when we approve your application). You are only confirmed when we have your payment. Purchase your air tickets now too.


OPTIONAL: Arrive Early/ Depart Late

If your schedule and budget permit, it certainly might be a good idea to arrive a day early and/or depart a day late. Arriving a day early can help tremendously with travel lag. And after all the incredible shared experiences behind you, you may very well wish to take a day to rest, relax and bliss out on the wonder of it all before engaging the homeward journey. 

This little luxury might make a great difference to you. And you will probably have the accommodations to yourself for these extra days. 


If you wish to avail yourself of this option, plan to arrive at George Airport (GRJ) on 7 November and depart on 17 November.


The cost is $100 USD extra per person per day. This covers your accommodation, three extra vegetarian meals per extra day that you stay, and transportation back to the airport.

