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Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



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All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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The Shadow Guardian Meditation



Friends, it is time to reclaim your shadow beast!


We have all spent many, many lifetimes getting lost here in the deep depths of duality. As we have journeyed we have all rejected, reviled and supressed parts of ourselves: The victim-self whose hurts are too painful to be borne. The perpetrator-self who, we have decided, is unlovable and unacceptable.  The magnificent, powerful, magical divine-self who, we have decided, we simply cannot be, precisely because we are so lost, so wounded, so unworthy. All of these and many more besides, we have denied and disallowed and therefore pushed out of the light of consciousness and into the darkness of the unconscious. And there these aspects of self have dwelt and become something feared and reviled... The Shadow Beast!

The Shadow is source of all manner of unconscious self-destructive, self-sabotaging behaviours and trauma-triggers. And the Shadow Beast is the "monster version" of the Shadow. The great big, scary, "boogey monster" that lurks in the dark corners of our own unconscious.


In this meditation, we find and recover the Shadow Beast and discover that it can be returned to oneness with the Self. It is and can become a trusted friend and ally. It can be tasked to work for you, to guide, guard and protect you. It can become... your Shadow Guardian!


This process is dealt with in some depth in the second module of Dreamer Awake and is therefore also an integral part of the initiates journey when joining the One New Earth Tribe. Truly understanding and healing the Shadow is a journey of many parts, will often require healing assistance to complete, and is not to be taken lightly. But this guided meditation can certainly catalyse a powerful healing transformation within your psyche in the right direction! 

It is time for your shadow to shift from the feared and rejected "other," to your most beloved friend and ally. In doing so, you are taking a huge leap towards wholeness. You are making a powerful decision that will have profound and beautiful consequences on your journey towards remembering your creator nature. 


This meditation has been lovingly crafted and produced by Zoe's Dream as a full audioscape journey which will bring you through the stages of relaxation and heart opening, all the way down to your own shadowlands and back again. At the end of the meditation there is some space, about 5 minutes of peaceful music, for you to simply feel and be with yourself. In light of this, please set aside a full hour to complete the journey. 


You may want to create a special ritual space for yourself by lighting candles or incense and gathering your favorite stones, talismans, etc. Set up someplace private, comfortable, quiet and undisturbed. Please also use headphones if you can!







The Shadow Guardian Meditation 


Price: $19.99

Please note: I will email you your meditation within 24 hours of your purchase.


