

New & Exciting

The latest - and most exciting - additions to this website include:


Dreamer Awake


Dreamer Awake!
All three modules of Dreamer Awake! are now available!


The final module, The Tools of Creation, is now open for enrolment!



Adamu Speaks New2


All of Adamu's materials, including written works and videos are available here. These articles will later be published as Book 3 of The Ascension Papers.


The latest Adamu release is:


Adamu Declares Victory!


My latest blog article is:


Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



Who's Online

We have 113 guests and no members online

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All The Fine Print!


This is where you can read all the terms and conditions associated with I have attempted to use no legalese and write it the way you and I would understand it.  What you can find on this page is:


Privacy Policy

Sales Policy

Legal Disclaimers



Privacy Policy


This website will request personal details from you when:

1. If you sign up for my newsletter

2. You make a purchase

3. You use the contact form to contact me


I promise I will NEVER share these details with anyone else for any reason whatsoever. Only I will use the info you give me and then only for legitimate contact from  I am very serious about respecting your privacy.


For more information regarding my newsletter policies please see:




Sales Policy



Digital Items Sales Policy

Digital or "downloadable" items, including e-books, audio files and image files, are sold on this site. The sales process is as follows: Once you have successfully complete the associated PayPal transaction, I will send you your purchase via email.

In some instances, such Dreamer Awake! the product is composed of many parts and you will be sent a link to an access page where all the materials are collected.

In some instances the purchased files are larger than email severs will permit. In such instances you will be emailed a download link.

In every instance I will only send you your purchased items after I have an automatic email alert of your successful transaction. This might mean a delay between the moment of your transaction and the moment when you receive your purchase. It is my policy to endeavor to send you your purchase within 24 hours of the transaction. if this has not happened please do contact me!


Physical Items Sales Policy

Physical items that need to be mailed to you (typically paperback books) are also sold on this site. The sales process is as follows: Once you have successfully complete the associated PayPal transaction, I will process your order with my distributor and the item will be sent to you via the mail system. As soon as I have processed your order I will email you to confirm this fact.


Where possible you are offered the choice between "economy mail" and "premium mail".


Economy Mail

This is normal surface mail. There is no tracking and no insurance offered with this option. It is however significantly cheaper. If you choose this option then there is no possibility of making any guarantees whatsoever regarding how long the item will take to get to you or, indeed that it will get to you at all. The risk is entirely your own. It is however my experience that, though slower, normal mail is very reliable and worth it for the significantly lower cost. Unless you really want your item quickly and feel you can afford premium, I would actually recommend economy.


Premium Mail

This is parcel post with tracking and insurance and is 100% guaranteed: you WILL get your item. If it is lost it will be replaced at no cost to you. Which is very nice but also quite expensive. Sometimes the price of shipping is nearly as much as the item itself. If you are willing to pay the extra amount for the shipping then this option is available to you. If you do choose this option then you are welcome to contact me for the parcel tracking number and also to let me know if there are any problems with your delivery.


Live Interactions Sales Policy

Live interaction in which I offer coaching, consultative and healing services are also offered on this site. The sales process is as follows: Once you have successfully complete the associated PayPal transaction, I will contact you via email to send you a link to my online calendar so that you might book the time your have purchased with me.


Live interactions happen either via Skype or in person at my home. The onus is upon you to ensure that you have Skype installed, that you know how to use it and that you send me a Skype "contact request" prior to the first appointment. My Skype contact id is "".


Life can be unpredictable sometimes and so, if it should happen that you are, for any reason whatsoever unable to attend the appointment, I will wait until the first 15 minutes of the appointment have elapse before sending you an email inviting you to reschedule.


In the event that you are experiencing technical difficulties and are unable to connect, the same principle will apply. I will allow 15 minutes to elapse before inviting you to reschedule.


If the rescheduled appointment is also abortive I will again recommend a reschedule. If the THIRD appointment is also abortive, you will forfeit the cost of the session.


I offer you similar terms in return: If I am unable to make an appointment I will at the very earliest opportunity alert you to this fact and request a reschedule. That said, however, it can happen that, for reasons beyond my control, I am unable to attend a live session and also unable to offer you advance warning. In such an instance I will, as soon as I am able, request a reschedule. Should I cause a THIRD session to abort, I will offer you an additional session free or your money back.


While I will always do my utmost to offer you all the very best I have at my disposal, I can offer no guarantees as to what might be accomplished in live interaction sessions. I can only offer guidance. The responsibility for your healing, change, growth and transformation lies with you. When you purchase a session with me, what you are paying for is my time. My abilities and my energy are not for sale. It is my gift to you during that time.


Returns and Refunds Policy

I am not able to accept the return of physical items (such as books).


Digital items are inherently not returnable and neither is the time involved in offering a live interaction.


Healing packages are offered as "a unit" and are not partially refundable.


Deposits for events such as "Spiritual Safari's" are paid in order to reserve the time of your visit for your exclusive use. In the event of a cancellation the deposit is forfeit.


I therefore have a "no returns/ no refunds" policy.



That said, should I, in exceptional circumstances and at my sole discretion, decide to offer any refund the following will apply:


A refund offered within 30 days of purchase will incur a 10% administrative fee.


A refund offered after 30 days of purchase will incur a 20% fee due to the additional banking and forex costs for moving money into South Africa and back out again (South Africa has exchange controls in place which cause costs to be incurred).


Legal Disclaimers


No Advice Offered

Whether offered on this website or in live interaction, Arn "Zingdad" Allingham provides spiritual and metaphysical information. The deepest meaning of this information is to encourage you to seek and find your own truth within yourself.

To the degree that such information references medical conditions and treatments, it should be noted that no information offered is medical advice, and nor should it be treated as such.

To the degree that such information references financial situations, it should be noted that no information offered is financial advice, and nor should it be treated as such.

To the degree that such information references legal situations, it should be noted that no information offered is medical advice, and nor should it be treated as such.


Any information, medical, legal, financial or otherwise, offered on this website, or in direct interaction with Arn Allingham, is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied, and is intended to assist you to find your own answers and is not intended or purported to be advice.


Professional Assistance

If you find yourself to be in need of professional assistance or advice then you should consult an appropriate professional in the relevant field. Get medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider, get legal advice from a registered legal professional and get financial advice from an accredited financial planner. Arn Allingham does not represent that he is in any such way qualified or accredited and does not propose that the information provided on this website, or in live interaction, is a substitute for such.


You should never delay seeking professional advice, disregard professional advice, or discontinue treatment or other interaction with a professional because of information on this website or offered live by Arn Allingham.



This website, and all interactions with Arn Allingham, are governed exclusively by the laws of The Republic of South Africa, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

Any legal action or other proceeding brought in connection with this website or any offering made upon this website shall exclusively be brought and litigated at the Knysna Magistrates Court, South Africa.



Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.