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Adamu Declares Victory!


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Dear Yoni - An interview with Lisa Picard



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An Open Letter to All Starseeds (Part 2)


A continuation of Adamu's conversation with Starseeds, this time to include Lightbringers and Lightworkers. Upon this occasion Adamu offers a situational update in which he advises that we are now firmly on the new, higher timeline and can now begin to safely openly co-create without fear of reprisal from the Dark Elite. Adamu offers guidance as to how that co-creation might look and offers you an invitation to see is the One New Earth Tribe might be a good fit for you. 


Links and full text transcript below.




(1) All of the Adamu materials: 

(2) An open letter to starseeds (Part 1):

(3) The Ancient Red Vampire is Dead:

(4) The Ancient Red Vampire - An Update:

(5) Adamu declares VICTORY:

(6) What is the Tribe of Light?

(7) Tribe 3 of 2023: The DE-coherence of the DESC:

(8) One New Earth Tribe:


Full Text Transcript


Greetings to you all,


I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation,

coming to you, as always, through my trusted friend and scribe, Zingdad.


On this occasion, I wish to address myself to all the Starseeds who are here upon the Earth who hail from all galactic civilizations and beyond.
I speak also to the Lightbringers who are here from outside of this system of reality entirely.

I speak also to the Lightworkers who have found their own Divine Light within, and have been tirelessly and diligently using this Light to bring growth and healing where before there was stagnation and illness.


Beloved friends,


Today my message to you is as simple as it is profound. It is this:

It is time now to take hands. To unite. To begin to truly co-create together.


The long aeons behind you have been a time of division and separation. Of darkness and despair.


The Dark Elite overlords upon this Earth, under the guidance and auspices of their ultimate overlord, a vampiric Red Orionid, worked their dark will upon this Earth. Whenever one of you came to incarnate upon the Earth, they had their agents on the look-out. As soon as you shone your bright and beautiful Light, be it through truth-speaking, gift-giving, spiritual healing, teaching reality creation or even just guidance in the ways of wellness… whenever you shone your Light in any manner that caused you to be seen as exceptional and worthy of attention… their agents soon arrived. Throughout history this same theme has reverberated. All beings of exceptional light were found, isolated, ritually silenced, tortured, abused and killed. Horrific, shocking, traumatizing deaths, incorporating black magic rituals, were employed, so that your souls would bear a deep resistance to ever rising up and shining your Light into the world again.

And so, a journey of many incarnations followed in which, shocked and shattered, you endeavored, chameleon-like, to hide in the general human population while you slowly, slowly sought healing for your soul.


Some hardier souls, though deeply wounded by the shattering experiences dealt to them by the minions of the Dark Elite, endeavored to create secret groupings. Mystery schools. Ascension schools. Secret conclaves that quietly gathered, developed and transmitted sacred teachings. Almost inevitably, these groups would be discovered by the Dark Elite machinery as they grew in membership and influence. And, once discovered, they would be infiltrated. Their leadership overtaken by Dark Elite minions and their goals and objectives subverted to serve the dark agenda. Where groups were resistant to such infiltration or subversion, they were declared to be evil, wicked and satanic. Their rites and rituals declared devil worship, their books burned, their teachings scorned and their leaders treated to the same shattering all over again.


There is so much more we could tell of this long and dismally sad tale. But the point, beloved friends, is that this dark time is now over.


Some time ago, we announced the death of the Ancient Red Vampire, the ultimate head of the entire Dark Elite system of control(3)(4).


Some time after, in the midst of the Covid hysteria, we announced victory for humanity(5).
That announcement was a prediction that we could make with absolute certainty. But it was a prediction none-the-less, as the machinery put in place by the now-deceased Red Orionid overlord, seemed very much to still be in full effective motion, as you were being pressed to accept vaccine mandates, lock-downs and all manner of other egregious curtailments of your normal human rights. Some of you felt that we were being overly optimistic in declaring victory at that juncture.


And so it was that, some time later, we were able to reveal, at a meeting of the Tribe of Light(6), that the entire Dark Elite System of Control had reached a stage of internal instability, that we classified as “decoherence”(7). Meaning that the various factions and groupings were no longer able to operate harmoniously. They were turning upon each other and their plans could no longer move forward.

Some of those who heard this message also doubted that it could be so, since the Dark Elite were clearly still in control of the world’s leaders and politicians. Their edicts were still being enacted. And so it might have seemed to be an empty pronouncement.


Perhaps now it becomes a little easier for you to see that, indeed, we were speaking truth. The vast machinery built over aeons by the Dark Elite to penetrate every centre of power in the world, is now obviously in disarray. They are obviously on the retreat. Great change is now palpably beginning to sweep the Earth.


And so, now, I can formally add to my previous announcements. My friends, you are now firmly and irrevocably on the 5th density timeline. This is the higher-frequency timeline. The “good” timeline. The timeline that leads to ever unfolding awakening for all of humanity. Further updates on the nature of this timeline, and what this means to you, will be forthcoming.  


But right now, I return to where I began:

My friends, the first thing I wish you to understand is that the great battle that you came to this Earth to fight, is won. It really is. For you, it really is actually all over.


The battle was to move the needle on the frequency of human consciousness. Everything the Dark Elite has ever done has served one great overarching goal: to keep the frequency of consciousness upon the Earth as low as possible.


You see, a 3rd density human being is incredibly easy to control and manipulate. You can lead them with simple promises. More (or better) food. Safe, warm housing. Safety from predators or other dangerous humans. Assure them that these kinds of basic needs will be met, and they will go along with your leadership. So the Dark Elite want humanity to be as 3rd density as possible. And you can keep people from raising their frequency of consciousness, ironically, by keeping them in a state of fear. Traumatic episodes blamed on “others”, followed by big promises from leadership, keeps the leadership in control. And so it is that war, economic collapse, pandemics and disasters all can, and are, used by the Dark Elite to maintain control of 3rd density humanity.


A forth density human being is a little more sophisticated. This is the density of the Other Responsible. A human being who tries to find a worthy leader. They seek out their “betters”. Someone smart enough to understand the complexities of a world that they themselves do not. Someone to navigate politics and power games. Someone who will champion their best interests where they themselves cannot. And, most importantly, someone who will tell them what to do. Fundamentally, the Other Responsible soul does not feel, within their own being, that they are truly competent or worthy. They do not feel as if they, themselves, can be counted on to make good choices. They are, in essence, spiritual children looking for a good and worthy parent.


It is precisely for this group that the Dark Elite have crafted tools of control, such as religion, politics, scientism, propaganda and the mainstream media. The Other Responsible soul, when presented with a barrage of authority figures all in agreement with any agenda at all, is powerless to resist. Either they must unquestioningly comply with that agenda, or they must transcend their own existential fear and somehow discover their own authentic internal authority. If they can do this, they awaken to 5th density consciousness. Self Responsibility. They then become utterly useless to the Dark Elite. And so the Dark Elite will do everything in their power to create mass psychoses to stop this from happening. This is what you have seen happen all around you in an accelerated fashion over the past few years.


And here is the great news. You may consider the whole worldwide pandemic theatre production to be one big test. Humanity faced an exam. The question was simple: are you sufficiently self-responsible, as a species, to open a 5th density timeline?


The invigilators were your Dark Elite and their minions. They cheated egregiously and skewed the test against you in every possible way. And yet here you are now:

Are you presently permanently locked down?

Do you have a vaccine passport/ green passport/ social credit score passport that determines how you are able to live?

Are they able to force boosters and additional “vaccines” into your body?

Is your financial system replaced with programmable, controllable Central Bank Digital Coins (CBDCs)?

Is democracy truly dead?

Are you disabled from purchasing vehicles and travel tickets? Meat? Fresh, whole, healthy, organic foods? Weapons and ammunition? Precious metals and other alternative forms of currency?


If the Dark Elite had won, if humanity had failed the test, then you would be answering yes to all of the above by now.


But that didn’t happen. Humanity, writ large, woke up instead. A sufficiently large cohort found 5th density consciousness… Self Responsibility. Indeed the very processes the Dark Elite tried to implement triggered a rapidly accelerating awakening like no other! While they were fumbling towards decoherence they completely botched the entire program, so meticulously engineered by the now deceased Ancient Red Vampire.


And so it is! Humanity will still have a long road to walk to full divine awakening. Of this there can be no doubt. But equally, your mission… coming to Earth to midwife humanity’s awakening to 5th density consciousness… is complete. The job is done and the battle is won.


So? What now?


On the one hand, you CAN now leave. If you depart your body, you will be able to move on to higher realms or to return, if you desire, to your home world. You can do so with your head held high. You will be received with songs of loving appreciation.


But, on the other hand, that would be a sad loss. For you. You see, now is when the going is really just about to get good. Really good. As the Dark Elite implodes, as their minions get flushed down the toilet of history, so things upon this beautiful Earth will transform. An age of magic and wonderment begins. You will be rediscovering your divine gifts. You will be giving them… and you will be celebrated for doing so! The unimaginably fantastical will become the norm. And planet Earth will be welcomed once again into the Galactic brotherhood. This time as a fully equal partner. Truly a wondrous time awaits. And it all begins so very soon. And even this, you can be a part of creating and accelerating!


And this, finally, is why I say to you, my beloved Starseeds, Lightbringers and Lightworkers… now is the time for you to unite and co-create. Engage in the co-creation of the timeline you are now upon.


Find a group or create one.

Zingdad and friends have created a beautiful group called the One New Earth Tribe(8). This is a wonderful place to start. See if you feel resonance with what they are doing. Join them if you do!


It is MOST understandable, if you find you have inbuilt resistances, shadow wounds and ancient traumas that instil in you a belief that you are not a “joiner”, that you don’t “fit in” anywhere. This is the Dark Elite’s programming still working on you, lifetimes later. Great groups will have processes in place to help you to de-traumatize; to face and reintegrate your lost Shadow aspects.


If you are whole and healed, why would you not want to belong to a group of like-minded souls? Connecting and belonging… finding friendship, community and love in a group of beautiful souls who are worthy, powerful co-creators… these are some of the greatest joys to be had whilst still in incarnated form.


And, beyond that, a group, working together in harmony exponentially multiplies the creative power that an individual wields. There’s a reason the Dark Elite feared such groupings above all else!


I’ll offer you some thoughts on finding a suitable group.


Firstly: Please do your own due diligence. If you , yourself, are still largely of Other Responsible consciousness, you might want to keep working on raising your frequency before joining any group. You are not ready to be a worthy co-creator and you will probably choose poorly when selecting a group to join.


2. What are the attributes of a good group for you to join?

Frequency match is the most important. Open your heart, connect with your Truth. Check that the group is a good match.


3. Red Flags. Don’t join groups that display these attributes:
3.1 Ego mania. “My way or the highway” gurus. Dictatorial leadership to which you must conform.

3.2 Dogmas. Teachings that are “sacred” and may not be questioned.

3.3 Your truth being deprecated. Your connection to source and your internal guidance being disrespected.

3.4 Other responsibility.


4. Green Flags. These attributes are a good sign of a healthy community.

4.1 A trial phase. If just anyone can join at any time and there is no vetting process, then the group risks instability. Its too easy for damaged (or controlled) individuals to enter the community and cause chaos and harm.

4.2 Opportunity for YOU to lead/ teach/ shine your light. If only the existing leadership can ever be in a place of leadership, then this isn’t really a Self Responsible community. It’s actually, secretly, an Other Responsible space.

4.3 Are there teach/ learn, growth and healing processes in place? If not it’s really just a social club and neither you, nor the group, will be evolving. If you aren’t evolving, you are stagnating. Such a group will die soon enough.

4.4 Conscious spiritual evolution? Are you being offered guidance in raising your consciousness through Self Responsibility to Unity Consciousness to Creator Consciousness? Are you offered pathways to the divinity within YOU? 

4.5 Co-creation. Is the group engaged in consciousness work? Are they doing the great Light magic of transforming the world, in good and harmonious ways? If not, what IS the point of the group?


I’ll bring this conversation to a close now with some final thoughts.


My beloved Starseeds, Lightbringers and Lightworkers. All of you bear wounds and soul-deep scars from your journey through the shattering to get here. All of you.


Most of you feel like misfits. You have belonging wounds, as already discussed, that inform in you that you shouldn’t belong. That you don’t fit in. That you will never really be seen and understood.


Most of you have the divine power wound. You feel that there is something scary or wrong about you stepping into your divine power, shining your Light and truly creating.


Most of you have abundance wounds. You feel there is something wrong with money itself and that you should not receive abundant rewards for the shining of your Light.


And most of all, most of you suffer the embodiment wound. You feel like your body is a trap. A prison. Almost an enemy. And so you try to get “up and out” using your mind and your upper chakras only, while trying to avoid the body. And so you become ever more ungrounded, and ever less effective as a human being.


Rather than slogging it out alone to heal all of these wounds, find a group that will help you to accomplish all of this and more.


I’ll close with just this:

The One New Earth Tribe(8) is such a group.


I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been coming to you as always through my dear friend and scribe,



Until we speak again,

I love you all with the heart of Oneness.

